I met my younger self for a drink.

I met my younger self for a drink. 

She wanted to start the evening no earlier than 10:30pm.

I couldn’t fathom being up after 9:00pm. 

We settled on happy hour. 

She arrived early, stressed out about the parking situation.

 I arrived right on time. 

She wore clothes that she thought others would like, she wanted to fit in.

I had on an outfit that I felt most confident in.

She ordered a double vodka tonic, short, with lime.

I ordered a dirty gin martini. 

She told me that she felt lost and unsure about the path she was on.

I let her know that I still don’t have it all figured out. 

She expressed her fear of letting those around her down.

I told her that on the other side of fear is a life even greater than we could imagine.

We are held with more love and support than we could ever comprehend.

She vented about her parents, often feeling misunderstood. 

I told her stories about the things my family has been busy doing, together.


We are closer than ever. 

She is visibly anxious, worried and busy trying to plan out her future. 

I smile and tell her there is joy in slowing down and being present.

She thinks about me often. 

I think about her more than I care to admit. 

When we hug and say goodbye, I whisper in her ear telling her that life is so good. 

I hope we can meet for a drink again soon.


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