Every year I always seem to have so much to be thankful for, I am beyond blessed in many ways. This year, in looking at things from the new lens that I am, thankful doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings that I have had over the course of the last year.
It seems almost weekly I am blown away by the continued support and love that is felt from my family, friends and community. I have always known that the people I keep in my company are the best of the best so I cannot say that I am totally surprised.
First and foremost my parents. They have stood behind me, ten toes down in support of my somewhat crazy and ever changing ideas this past year, and always. From moving me out of my fourth floor walkup apartment in Cincinnati, to the visits in my cities of residence, care packages from home and driving my stolen vehicle replacement over 20 hours across the country to me.
Dad, Mom, and Marta, I can say with my entire heart that I truly would have not been able to survive this year or have the confidence to continue on this journey without you, your love and your support. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
One of my favorite memories over the last year was the surprise visit from Marta and my younger cousin in my first stop, Savannah. I cried and cried when my parents pulled away with a truck and trailer full of my entire life as I prepared to embark on this new journey. I was scared and nervous, and just as any parent would be able to sense that, Marta knew.
She booked a flight, pulled some strings and ended up at the same hotel I was set to stay at on my first night in Savannah. There was something so surreal about walking into a hotel after 15 hours of travel and seeing your family. We spent the next few days exploring my new city and getting settled into my space. As life would have it, things don’t ever go according to plan and I am thankful Marta was there to walk me off the ledge of chickening out on this experience.

My next favorite memory was the family vacation we made out of my Dad and Marta joining me again in Savannah. We took some time to take a trip to Jekyll Island and St. Simons Island. We had a really fun week and marveled at the fact this was our first family trip since I was in college. I loved sharing my new city with my family and it certainly helped me to feel more comfortable and confident in my decision to continue on.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to share experiences with my Mom this year from the white sandy beaches of Florida to the top of a 14er in Colorado. I think we can both agree that the train ride to the top of Pikes Peak might be the most memorable experience we have this year! It was absolutely incredible and even better that we were able to do it together.
This year has been incredibly hard with the passing of my Grandma, so I am glad to say we have been able to make some positive memories and experience the world together despite the hardships this year has presented us with.

I love exploring the cities that I am in on my own, but it is always so nice to have visitors and share a part of this journey I am on with those that I love! They get to step into my world for a long weekend and we always have a good time. I have been fortunate enough to have visitors in each of the places that I have stayed and it gives me something to look forward to and is just enough piece of ‘home’ to give me the strength needed to excitedly continue on
To my friends.

The ones that have willingly gotten on flights or taken road trips to accompany me. Thank you. I also could have not gotten through this year without you.

From the late night phone calls when I was feeling lonely and discouraged, to the boost of confidence needed to do another activity alone, to the excitement that you share with me when I send you yet another picture of me on the side of a mountain.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t nervous about the dynamics of my friendships withstanding this newly adapted lifestyle but again, I shouldn’t be surprised because the friends that I have are nothing short of the best.

My friends are an extension of my family, they feel like home and they make any place that I am living in ten times more fun! Truly the siblings that I never had.

Out of all of the things that I have been able to see and experience this year, this has been by far my favorite. I am honestly overwhelmed with emotions daily when I think about all of the love and support I have been surrounded by this year. I could not be more thankful.
I undoubtedly wouldn’t have been able to make it this far, or survive the trials of this year without it.
I look forward to making more memories with the people that I love this coming year, and continuing to be thankful for the life that I am able to live.
Now, go put on your stretch pants, eat too much and turn on the football game.
Happy Thanksgiving!